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lord of the dance pose

- Chest opener
- Shoulder stretch
- Quadriceps stretch
- Abdominal muscle stretch
- Hip opener
- Strengthens back, legs and ankles
- Improves balance & concentration
- Knee, hip, shoulder, back and neck injuries
- From tadasana spread the toes and put the weight on the right leg.
- Bend your left leg and grab hold of your knee.
- Pull up your kneecap of the right leg and feel your thigh muscles tighten.
- Keep your hips parallel to the floor and grab the left ankle with your left hand.
- Bring the bent knee down so that it is in line with the straight knee.
- Bring the sitting bones towards the back of the knees to make space in the lower back, you will now also feel the abdominal muscles tighten.
- Bring the sternum up and forward as you straighten your bent knee and push the ankle into the palm.
- Bend over slightly while raising your left foot.
- Grab with your right hand in front of your chest the left foot.
- Release your left hand and reach under your right arm.
- Raise the palm of the left hand upwards and grasp your left foot on the side of the little toe.
- Release the foot with the right hand and bring the chest back to the front of the mat.
- Raise the left elbow
- Reach the right hand up and then back to grasp the left foot.
- Push the foot into the hands and up as you extend the sternum forward. Make sure your standing leg is straight and active.
- Gaze is in front of you or slightly up.
- Inhale: feel the chest expand
- Exhale: let go
- Release the foot and gently bring it to the mat next to your standing foot. Come back to tadasana and repeat on the other side or continue to uttanasana.
- Uttana shishosasana | Puppy pose
- Dhanurasana | Bow pose
- Ustrasana | Camel pose
- Virabhadrasana III | Warrior III pose
- Uttanasana | Standing forward fold
- Dhanurasana | Bow pose
- Ustrasana | Camel pose
- Virabhadrasana III | Warrior III pose
- Natarajasana with strap | Fasten the strap to your foot or ankle and hold with your hands
- Natarajasana with wall | Lean against a wall with your shoulder to help with balance
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