Hi I'm Eva!
I firmly believe in following your gut, in everything you do. Follow my journey to a greener lifestyle with less waste and more awareness.
Let's see what bridges I'll have to cross along the way.
Oh, and you'll also read plenty about yoga, meditation and aromatherapy/naturopathy here. You don't get rid of those passions that easily.
Summer solstice | welcome the new season and celebrate summer
BrellaVio nail mats: Relax, relieve pain and sleep better
Weekly cleaning routine top stay on top of your home
Speculaas spice
Zero Waste Period Routine
Why Journaling Can Change Your Life
Zero Waste Skincare
3th Yama: Asteya (Do Not Steal)
Carrot Mug Cake
2nd Yama: Satya (Truthfulness)
Lo Care | zero waste make-up goodness
Fruit-rose nice cream
My Yogajourney
Zero waste sunscreen
Kombucha 1st fermentation
Zero Waste Skincare
DIY Body butter (only 2 ingredients)
1st Yama: Ahimsa (Non-violence)
Barefoot shoes